Mazowe Mine

Mazowe Mine is situated in the west-central part of the Harare greenstone belt. Orebodies here generally comprise shear zones which are in-filled with gold-bearing sulphides and quartz. The mineralised zones are up to 1.0 metre in width, have average grades of 4 to 5g/t, and mostly dip between 10̊  and 60̊   to the north.

Pay shoots range from 25 to 200 metres on strike. Gold mineralisation is associated with the sulphide species pyrite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite. In most cases the gold is intimately associated with this sulphide mineralisation and only to a limited degree with vein quartz. Approximately 70% of the gold is ‘free gold’ recovered by gravity concentration and over 15 mineralised structures have been exploited to date.

Mazowe Mine is one of the oldest mines in Zimbabwe and exploration and development in this region dates back to 1890. Mazowe Mine comprises two underground operations; Mazowe and the BSV sections. The mine has a total of over 247 claims and over 2,939 hectares of land holding.

Product: Gold

Mine Type: Underground

Processing: Crushing, grinding, gravity concentration, CIP circuit, Elution and smelting

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