How Mine

How Mine is situated in the Bulawayo greenstone belt and exploits several individual mineralised pods situated within a sigmoidal structure which dips at 70̊ to 80̊ west. The pods are boardly cigar-shaped bodies comprising zones of enhanced hydrothermal alteration and gold mineralisation that plunge steeply. Mineralisation within the orebodies consists predominately of pyrite (>90%) with minor chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite and is associated with silification and carbonation. Gold is found in contact with sulphides, often in fractures, although there is also some free gold. Some silver occurs with the gold, increasing from 4% to 8% of gold as mining progresses down-dip.

How mine has been in operation since 1942.

Product: Gold

Mine Type: Underground

Processing: Crushing, grinding, gravity concentration, CIP circuit, Elution and smelting

How Mine is certified with the following systems:

ISO 9001:2015 (QMS) - Quality Management System;

14001:2015 (EMS) - Environmental Management System;

ISO 45001:2018 (OHS) - Occupational Health and Safety

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